August 17, 2009

Making Decisions

It used to be simple ones - which colour crayon to use to paint the trees, sky and faces.

Then it moved to where would you like to have dinner.

What was the reason for choosing this shirt over that one?

Along the way, choices of friends came in too.

What about the barber or hair dresser? Which should you go to?

Then came the big step of deciding further studies. I thought that was pretty major.

Later came the natural next step - where to stay. Amazing how things got settled about this.

Then came the seemingly sudden revelation - you decided to move out of the present place to go somewhere else. You wanted our blessings on this.

After discussion and prayer, we decided to let you decide.

And you did.

The field of making decisions suddenly got bigger.

There will come a time when such decisions need not go through us.

Wow. Time flies.

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