October 30, 2010

The Skin

I didn't even realise that my regular skin was no longer there. It's kind of embarrassing really.
Then it took me a while to get the one I wanted back.

Now that it is, I do hope it stays a while before the necessary change takes place.... Change is good, but not when I am not prepared for it!

October 28, 2010

Malaysia has a lot of Prawns

On Facebook, a friend of mine posted this exchange with her daughter.

Translations in blue and names have been changed to protect identity.

Disclaimer - you might not find it funny if you don't speak the lingo. But then again, never mind.....!

Mum : Lia, has your school taught you on Rukun Negara? (National Principles)

Lia stamped her feet to attention.

Lia : Yes, we have to stand very straight and repeat after teachers.

Mum : What have you learnt about it ?

Lia : Very hard to memorise but I remember Malaysia has many prawns !

: Er ? Why ?

Lia : Kedaulatan Udang-udang!
(The Rule of Prawns) It should be Kedaulatan UNdang UNdang which means the Rule of Law.

You can read more about it here.

October 21, 2010


Sometimes I scare myself.

Other times I think it's ok. Especially when I read articles like this which help to put my perspective right and assure me that I am doing ok. I found myself hankering for a lot of the things on this list!

Remedies for Memory Loss, Concentration Problems and Forgetfulness

Everyone had days when they didn't feel like they were 'on their game' including you. And as you age, both your bodies and brains grow old as well. Not to mention the effects of hormone imbalances during your perimenopause and menopause phase. But smart food and supplement choices might be just the remedies for memory loss, loss of concentration and forgetfulness in menopause and perimenopause you needed.

Healthy foods and natural supplements are becoming popular as they act towards making better numerous aspects of health and well-being. They are derived from substances that occur naturally and have been consumed in one form or another for centuries. Their effect on body functions proven over time and their ability to encourage better memory are worth investigating.

Here are a couple of natural supplements for the brain and memory that may remedy your memory loss, loss of concentration and forgetfulness in perimenopause and menopause and help you get your thought process back on track:

  • Fish Oil
    Fish oil is a form of supplement which is harvested from the fish bodies and purified through a systematic process. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that will benefit your overall health. It is associated with treating memory loss, better concentration, and health of the heart. It also helps to prevent the attack of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Ginko Biloba
    Ginkgo Biloba is an extract from the green leaves of the Ginkgo tree. The active ingredients in the extract are the ginkgoflavoneglycos, bilobalide, and terpenelactones including ginkgolides A, B and C. Ginkgo improves blood circulation and oxygen flow to the body and brain. One of its benefits is improving memory retrieval and treating loss of concentration. Thus it may help many women to deal with their memory loss, forgetfulness and loss of concentration during menopause and perimenopause.
  • Rosemary
    People often considered rosemary as just a spice they use when cooking. However, its effects as herbal supplement are surprising. Rosemary helps to keep the brain stimulated and make certain that memory is working correctly. A good working brain will certainly improves memory. There are many available types of supplement that include rosemary thus you're encouraged to check the dosage and strength before taking one.
  • Green tea and black tea
    The potent antioxidant and other ingredients in green tea and black tea are believed to promote healthy blood flow, cure many aliments and improve memory function. Since green tea and black tea do contain caffeine it's important to use it sensibly. When taking moderately, green tea and black tea may be the right remedy for perimenopausal and menopausal women's memory loss, forgetfulness and loss of concentration symptoms.
  • Ginseng
    Ginseng also appears to improve memory function. Ginseng is an herb that improves energy. And many aging people insisted that it has the ability to revitalize. If it has this profound effect on other parts of the body it would seem reasonable that it would work as a booster to the mind and memory.
  • Caffeine
    Caffeine is a stimulant and it works to stimulate not only your hearts but your minds as well. It can give a person the extra boost they need to clear their mind. The caffeine that is found within the coffee, tea or chocolate jolts the brain and the memory can retain more information.

Other natural foods which are great for the brain and may help to reduce symptoms of memory loss, loss of concentration and forgetfulness in menopause and perimenopause include:

  • Blueberries
    Blueberries have been demonstrated to protect the brain from stress, chronic insanity, and Alzheimer's disease. Research has also indicated that diets rich in blueberries significantly increased both the learning ability and motor skills.
  • Avocados
    Avocados though considered a 'fatty fruit', help to promote healthy blood circulation and lowered blood pressure, diminishing the possibility of developing hypertension, which can lead to a stroke.
  • Deep-water fish
    Deep-water fish is abundant in Omega-3 essential fatty acids that are important for healthy brain function. Salmon is a wise, freshwater fish choice.
  • Nuts and seeds
    Nuts and seeds are great sources of vitamin E, an important vitamin required by your brain to avert deteriorating cognitive functions. Cashews, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower and sesame seeds and almonds are all good choices.
  • Whole-grain breads, brown rice and oatmeal
    Whole-grain breads, brown rice and oatmeal reduce the risk for cardiac disease by promoting a healthy heart and improving blood flow. The brain is undoubted to thrive with the excellent oxygen flow and nutrient delivery through the bloodstream. Complex carbohydrates also provide the brain with a persistent flow of glucose that enhances brain function. But avoid simple carbohydrates which are found in junk food. They give the brain a short-lived sugar high that often followed by a crash that causes you feel hungry and tired.
  • Chocolate
    Chocolate is very rich in flavonoids and antioxidants which are full of recognized health benefits.
    Some of its benefits include: reduce the risk of heart disease, promote healthy blood flow and blood pressure and boost brainpower. A study found that consumption of milk and dark chocolate will improve impulse control and reaction time. So, a little chocolate in your diet will improve your memory retrieval and concentration.

If you just begin to feel the signs of memory loss, forgetfulness and loss of concentration in perimenopause, menopause and other stages of life, taking a natural supplement and right foods can be the ideal remedy. They often have fewer adverse effects in addition to essential benefits of their memory boosting attributes.

When the natural ways fail to improve your memory and concentration you may consider taking hormones that speed up bodily processes, like the over-the-counter drug DHEA. Recent studies demonstrate that DHEA improves memory, strengthens the immune system, prevents bone loss and may even protect us from diabetes and autoimmune disease. If you're a postmenopausal woman, you may consider DHEA hormone therapy but avoid it if you're not in your menopausal phase yet.

Finally, a better mind and memory for a better life is not an impossible thing. Since there're so many remedies for memory loss, loss of concentration and forgetfulness in menopause and perimenopause you can choose from. Just remember, moderation is the key.