Do you enjoy children visiting? I do. Even though my home is not a totally "child-proof" one! (Visitors beware!)
Recently, a delightful little one came by with her parents. She was cheerfully bubbly as usual despite being a little tired.
Watching her stirred up the little child in me. (Or was it the former Sunday School teacher? Whatever.)
I started tossing cushions at her. Amazingly, she sat there without fuss. (Or was she in shock?)
More and more the cushions flew towards her.
I started to chant with each toss, "Where is Tina?"
"Where is Tina?" and another pillow landed.
Till she was no longer visible and I had run out of cushions.

Then, giggling and kicking away, she shrugged off the entire pile!
And asked for more!
Needless to say, she wasn't keen to go home even though we went through umpteen rounds of this.
The last I heard, on the next trip into the car to go out, she insisted her parents take her to our place again...!
Did I mention I like children visiting?