The sense of powerlessness is hard to deal with. I am aching and wanting to do something for the person, to alleviate the suffering and pain. My thoughts often go that way, and then hopelessness threatens to overwhelm.
That is when I have to run. Run to my Father God. My Daddy God.
I can tell Him everything. Even when I can't put it into words, He can see into my heart. He knows. He knows better than I know.
The matters of my heart are safe in His hands, in His care. The people I am concerned for are safest when left to Him. The issues I am disturbed about are trivia when I discourse with Him.
He sets things in perspective.
He can turn the tide.
He can calm the anger.
He knows where and when it will begin and end.
He hears.
He understands.
And that is what I am going to do after I sign off here.

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