Arrow #3 was performing in the school musical - drama presentation. She had worked hard on this, not only practising long hours, but often helping to teach the other dancers too, especially the new ones. Her acting and singing were so very nice. The producer really cast the roles well.
On the day of their second performance, Hubby decides to do what he did last year at the church performance. He surprised her with a beautiful bouquet.
Isn't this lovely? So very nice of our florist friend. She did such a lovely arrangement, and such a special one too.We smuggled the bouquet into the house and as I was distracting her and talking loudly, Hubby re-arranged our fridge in the wet kitchen and put the bouquet in. Later we put the bouquet in a big bag and took it to the performance.
Blessed. It was the largest bouquet of the evening. Haha!