March 21, 2009

Lessons from Hot Water

Yesterday I accidentally splashed some boiling hot water on myself. As I ran cold water over the affected parts, I mulled about first aid, wondering if I have taught enough to my children, especially the ones leaving home.

Would they remember to use bags of iced peas/mixed vegetables on certain burnt areas? (These mould and shape well) Would they know what to do if they twisted an ankle, knee or wrist? Did those unwanted lessons on strapping and bandaging stick in their minds? Would they be clear minded enough to know what to do if feverish? (Get the fever down!)

I wonder what sort of first aid kit I should prepare for them? The ones from shops aren't usually enough. I suppose I had best go into Singapore first....

Yes, that's where one of them is heading for next month. He has a scholarship to do a special course - digital and precision engineering.

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