This is my friend G and her husband O whom we met after a lapse of more than twenty years. We did our midwifery training together. By the end of the course, they were expecting their first of three children. They remain happily married, worshipping at a local vibrant church in east London.

My family tree has inter-marriages of all combinations. Different faiths too. It makes to more flexible to the idea of cross-cultural unions, despite my marrying one of the same race. Hubby and I are from different dialects and backgrounds, which could in a sense, be totally different too! But cross-cultural combinations like G and O above mean there are more differences to consider.
As Christian parents, it is our duty to train the children to be able to handle cross culture because Jesus Himself commands us to go and make disciples of all
nations. Nations here means ethnic groups. We should have emphasis on cross cultural training in order to fulfill this often-called Great Commission.
The challenge is whether we would go as far as cross cultural marriages.
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