Part of the reason was because we wanted to have special time dinners with our children, but not need to have the extravagance of feeding six of us in a restaurant outside. Fast food outlets were the cheap treats we would have, but that was hardly healthy.
Having friends round made the evenings more special. We had meaningful times.
It also served to teach our older children about cooking. Yes, we have "spoiled" them by not making them learn. They can cook rice. They can fry and egg. They can do a simple fried rice. They can open tin cans. What else.... I don't really know! So Sunday evenings were also object lessons.
Our children had not seen us cooking much before - only when the Household Help was away for her holidays. I did the cooking then. They hadn't seen their Dad cook - until we started this.
Recently I came across this article. Makes me think further. Perhaps we should do something like this. Would anyone pay?

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